It’s day 27 of the Find Your Art Style Experiment. Today I decided I would try redrawing and colouring up one of my sketchbook pages with watercolour.
What I like about Sketchbook Pages
Tracing Over with the Lightbox
I scanned in the page and then traced over it on my LED lightbox. Next, I drew over it with a Pigma Sensei permanent ink pen.
Adding Watercolour to the Character
Once it was dry I started on the watercolour. To be honest I didn’t really have a clue how I was going to colour it up, but I knew I wanted at least some of the face to be left white.
I carried on with the watercolour but wasn’t overly keen on what I was producing. I am not sure if that is down to not using the medium enough anymore, or my general impatience. I then resorted to coloured pencils but this was really a case of trying to save something that wasn’t working. I also wish I had chosen a smoother paper to do this on.
Maybe I am fighting against my natural inclination to use dry media and be more spontaneous rather than painting, maybe I just need to persist, or maybe I am over analysing myself, and you’re my unwitting therapist. Let me know your thoughts.
Anyway, I am not keen on the end result, but I would still like to find a way I like to colour up these characters somehow.
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