In today’s podcast, we’re talking about drawing and sketching people. It’s a subject a lot of people avoid because drawing people can be tricky, especially if they are moving. Drawing people is something that Sandra and I both enjoy and want to keep improving. There are lots of different ways to practice drawing people, whether that’s from life or photos and videos.
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Ideas for practising drawing and sketching people that we discuss
- You could take a life drawing class. While it may not be possible to do that in person at the moment (due to the Pandemic) you could always do it online with both clothed and nude models. Check out our blog post about online life drawing. Some of the online life drawing classes Tara likes are @thejollysketcher @thamesmeadlifedrawing @thedrawingsesh and @CabaretCouture. Sandra also talks about her experience of attending an in-person life drawing class.
Croquet Cafe – If you don’t want to try a life drawing class then check out Croquet Cafe – They used to be on Youtube, but have moved their content over to Vimeo – They have videos of models and a timer so you can practice timed sketches.
- UPDATE Croquet Cafe is no longer free try checking out New Masters Academy on YouTube instead for free content.
- If you’re not comfortable with the idea of a life drawing class, you could draw yourself in front of a mirror or from a selfie. We have people in the group doing daily portraits.
- You could practice drawing your partner or spouse or even a friend if they are willing.
- Practice drawing moving people – if it’s not possible from life, then why not try drawing a newsreader, or a weatherman because you know that their movements will be limited.
- Also to practice drawing moving people you could loop a Youtube video. Check out which lets you loop sections of a video
- Once we’re allowed to venture outdoors more (after lockdown) another good place to draw slow-moving people is in a cafe. You will find people moving around a little bit but not much. Even if they get up and walk away, someone else will often take their place.
- Practice capturing movement with a basic line of gesture (line of action) to get the feel of movement.
If you are new to drawing people, expect your sketches to be bad at first. But with practice, they will only get better.
This week’s creative question
Q. Aside from cooking, what is the most creative thing you have either done or seen done with a vegetable? (you can blame Sandra for this one, no rude answers please 🤣 )
Check out @katybobsyouraunty on Instagram to see some of the fun things she does
The best answers will be read out on a future podcast.
You can Tweet us your answers @KickCreatives or let us know in the Facebook Group, which by the way if you haven’t already joined, I highly recommend that you do! We will put the question up there and also on the facebook page… and of course, on our Instagram page @kickinthecreatives.
If you have any suggestions for the podcast or our challenges please feel free to get in touch.
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