Why is it that some of us feel free to draw whatever, whenever and however we like and yet others feel that they need some kind of a license to be creative?
Maybe you are one of the lucky ones who are confident in who they are, what they do and don’t waste time worrying about the result, or what other people might think of it. Or perhaps you are forever questioning yourself; Can I do it? What will other people think? Am I good enough?
Am I Good Enough?
This way of thinking can be crippling… and it’s something I personally battled with for years. I’m not sure if this is something we are born with or if it comes from life experiences, but I have finally worked out the best way of dealing with it… and that is to just be brave and reveal yourself, flaws and all… because people seem to like that! Who knew?
I spent a lot of time avoiding doing the very thing I most wanted to do, because I was worried I would never be good enough. Then one day I decided to be brave and pick up my pencil… and guess what? Nothing bad happened! I realised that I didn’t have to show anyone if I didn’t want to, so I drew again… and again and again until I got better.
And You Will Get Better…
Many years later I draw with confidence and I’m happy to show (most of) the results… And this is because I’ve learned that we are all different. And whilst as kids, all we want is to be the same as everybody else, when we grow up, we realise that being different makes us interesting. It’s a positive thing!
So stop staring at that blank page, be brave and pick up your pen. I promise you it won’t bite!
The very worst that could happen is that you will hate your drawing… but then you can just screw it up and try again… and again… and again… Until one day you will find yourself saying, ‘Wow… Did I draw that?’
Sandra x
I totally agree, Sandra. I have grown in confidence and creatively since joining Kick in the Creatives. Some days i’m not in the mood, but still try to do something. Nothing’s ever perfect, but sometimes that’s what makes a piece ‘different’.
I’m glad it’s helping you Dorothy… And I agree that imperfections are what makes something unique.
Skip the drawing and go straight for the painting…:D
Honestly – I have been doing this arting thing for almost a year and a half now, somedays I’m like “Dang, the 3-year-old artist is back” and other days are “holy crap – did I do that”, but most are “sweet! it was fun, I enjoyed myself. I have found it is my sanity saver, by refresh, my joy.
Look at all of the art around you – start liking and letting others know what pops or that you really loved one of their pieces….. don’t be afraid to put yourself or your stuff out there – generally, people are way more kind and awesome than you think. Also – as you look at more and more art – you will see it’s not so much something is better than something else – styles and perceptions differ and it is so fun to see it and enjoy what you see. I even appreciate art more now, because I understand better the work and the heart that goes into it. There is really something for everyone out there.
Just enjoy and let others share in your joyful art as well. 😀
Great advice Penny. I love the bit about Holy Crap – did I do that, it’s so weird when you create something good and then it feels like you didn’t create it, it just happened 🙂