Welcome to today’s art podcast, and today we’re going to chat about prioritising the fun stuff with your art. What we mean about that is making sure you make time to do the creative work you enjoy, rather than worrying about your art or getting bogged down by...
Welcome to today’s art podcast! Today, we’re talking about how your mindset affects your art. Whether you’re new to art or already selling your work, your mindset plays a big role in how you improve. Let’s dive in!...
In today’s art podcast we are having a general art chat. This is you getting to listen in to the sort of things we might chat about art wise if we weren’t on air. https://mcdn.podbean.com/mf/web/ty4im9/Ep147GeneralArtChat.mp3 Subscribe: iTunes | Stitcher |...
In today’s art podcast we’re going to chat about the highs and lows of being an artist. Whether you create art for fun or are selling your art we all have our ups and downs. We’re going to share some of those today:...
Welcome to today’s art episode, and today we’re going to talk about striking while the idea is hot. What we mean by this is not sitting on the idea too long before you execute on it. https://mcdn.podbean.com/mf/web/8n2jfn/145Strikewhileideahot_6y3ss.mp3...
Welcome to today’s art episode, and today we’re going to talk about our art year in review and our art goals for next year. We also explain why we missed an episode. This will be out last episode of 2023 so we wish you all a Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays or...