In this video, Tara shows you how you can use a distortion app to distort a face. This can then be the inspiration for a semi-abstract face drawing. Of course, you could also use an app to distort other things like street scenes or images of animals that you could also use as inspiration. The app we are using is called Face and Body Photo Editor, but there are many similar apps available. You could also use apps like Photoshop, Gimp (free) or Krita to distort a photo on a computer.

The distorted face is then used as a starting point for the abstract face drawing. First, Tara creates an underpainting using watercolour just to map out where the abstract face will be. This also means that there won’t be so much white showing through the pastel later on.

watercolour underpainting abstract face

Then Neocolor 2 wax pastels are used starting with the darks and working to lighter colours. Finally, some sweeping lines are added in black around the facial features.

necolor semi abstract face pastel drawing

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