It’s Day 9 of the Find Your Art Style Experiment. I didn’t draw on video yesterday, but I did start a new sketchbook. I took Sandra’s advice and looked at the artist Kandinsky and then had a bit of fun trying to create a face in his style.
It’s blowing a gale outside this Sunday and so it’s the perfect day to stay inside and do some drawing. I decided I would try out my new dip pen, I haven’t used dip pens much before so I thought it would be interesting to see what sort of marks it could make.
Unfortunately, something went wrong with my camera focus so most of my videos are blurry so I will have to show you still images
I started off using some face reference as a starting point, but wanting to create something more abstracted. I was surprised how scratchy the wide nib felt. For the second drawing, I again used reference and then thought it would be interesting to see what would happen if I added some acrylic gel medium with a brush and I quite like the effect.
First Drawings Loosely Using Reference
I tried a few more sketches using reference that didn’t go too well so I decided to ditch it, start drawing and see what happened. I have noticed that cartoon dogs appear when I draw like this and I must have been worrying about my dog getting old, he’s a 12-year-old labrador as my drawings got sad.
I watered down some of the ink to add a bit of shading to some of the sketches. I quite like this one of the sad girl with her dog.
Right, I’m off to get my dog a treat toy which always makes him happy, but never lasts very long. I will see you again tomorrow.
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