Almost every artist I’ve ever spoken to has been through a creative block at some point.
Most often they don’t last for very long. Perhaps you’re simply uninspired and need to re-fill your creative well, or maybe you’re just tired and need to take a break to recharge.
But what if your creative block goes on for much longer… What if the reasons behind it go far deeper… What if you are left wondering…
Will I ever even want to create again?
…In my own experience, making art could be likened to riding waves. When you’re riding that crest, it’s the biggest high you can imagine, but by the very nature of things, it’s only a matter of time before you have to come down… and sometimes to a crushing low. And who knows how long you’ll be struggling to take a breath? But when you finally feel yourself bobbing back to the surface, there’s just no other feeling like it.
There’s no way that anyone who didn’t have a true passion and desire to create, would be able to stick it out for very long. The emotions that come with it can be all-consuming.
This year I went through a very deep block. So deep, that it even scared me a little.
I had to remind myself that blocks do pass… Only this time I needed to do a little soul searching and work out what had been the trigger. Once I realised where it had started, I was able to take the action I needed in order to overcome it. And here I am… completely over my block and loving life in the art studio again.
What Can You Do About It?
The next time you go through a block, you must trust that it will pass. But meanwhile, there are plenty of things you can do to help it pass a lot more quickly.
Tara and I have both been through a block this year. So, it seemed appropriate to make an episode all about how to recognise and deal with a creative block on our Podcast. We’ll be sharing our own experiences and all of the ways we have learned to help get over them.
So, if you have lost your creative mojo, this episode is certainly one to listen out for.
We will be airing it on the 15th October, so if you haven’t already subscribed to the Podcast, I recommend that you do, so you don’t miss it!
Click on the link below to find all of the Podcast episodes…