It’s Day 18 of the Find your Art Style Experiment and today I am looking at one of my pieces of art that I created on Day 4 of the Challenge. I want to use a similar style, but instead of using reference, this time I will draw out of my imagination.
I decide to start very roughly in pencil as I have been doing in my sketchbook and then use pen. The pens are Sakura Pigma Sensei which Sandra introduced me too and I especially like the 1mm thick one. I enjoy using these pens on their side to get a rough line.
Sakura Pigma Sensei Pens
I drew the little character added some words which says, What was this strange creature? The rabbit wondered the same. And oops I forgot the question mark.
Neocolor II Pastels for Colour
For the colour I used Neocolor II pastels very roughly with a very limited colour palette. I quite like the effect it gives. To strengthen a few areas I went back in with a black Neocolor. The drawing turned out a lot bigger than intended. I guess that’s what happens when you don’t really know what you are drawing when you start.
In the space that was left I thought I would try another drawing but make it more angular like the original drawing, I didn’t know what it was going to be when I started, I drew an angular face shape and took it from there. I am not too keen on this one.
I do really like this style for the character though and I am wondering what it might be like with the introduction of a little collage, something to explore tomorrow maybe.
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