It’s day 33 of the Find Your Art Style Experiment. Before I started my actual drawing today I decided I would test out the Inktense blocks a bit more.

I wanted to see how well they would work over either an acrylic background or collage that had been coated with acrylic medium. I had some sheets of paper that I had made previously so tested them out.

inktense blocks

Testing Inktense Blocks Over Acrylic Paint and Collage

testing Inktense blocks over collage and acrylic paint

I was surprised at how well they went on even when water was added. I am considering trying adding a bit of collage or texture to some future work to add some extra interest.

For the actual drawing, I used a free reference photo again and after a quick basic outline applied the Inktense blocks.

inktense blocks drawing

Once I was happy with the colours I added water. I overdid it a bit at the top of her nose and it went a bit murky. I added some white Neocolor ii over the murky bit to help brighten it up.

Abstract face drawn with inktense blocks

I added in a few more bits of stronger colour with the Inktense Blocks. After testing it digitally again first I drew on a little running character in a very loose manner. I thought as the woman looked so calm that maybe that was just her outward appearance and she was more like the running character inside. So I added some words to that effect above her hat.

final abstract face

I added in a few more bits of Neocolor ii pastels just to strengthen areas of the drawing up. I think I need to look at it with fresh eyes tomorrow to see if I like it or not.

See you tomorrow

Tools Used

Inktense Blocks –

Neocolor ii –

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