We are excited to be launching Kick in the Creatives. It’s the place to be if you want to take part in creative challenges. Because, let’s face it, trying to build a creative habit is hard! But when there are other artists and creatives cheering you on, and everyone puts their own original spin on a challenge, things become a lot more fun!
Sandra and I have both taken part in online creative challenges (and not just our own weird – “Does alcohol increase creativity?” one). We’ve both seen how they can improve your work, give you sticking power and they’re really are fun to do. Which is more than we can say for the drinking one… That just gave us a headache!
Find all the popular existing challenges and exciting new ones too
We realised that there was currently no single place to go to find regular creative challenges conveniently listed by month. We’ve created it here, so you’ll never be short of inspiration and you will never be late to the party! You’ll find the most popular existing challenges listed, such as Inktober, NaNoWriMo and The 100 Day Project. Plus, we’ve created our own unique art and writing challenges, such as ‘Art Journal January’ and ‘February Fables.’ And we’re inviting you to submit yours too!
There is a sort of irony that as I write this, my mind has been too preoccupied with building this site to get any art created. That wasn’t quite the effect I was going for! My “Kick in the Creative’s” co-founder,Sandra Busby has been far more “swotty”. She’s still been creating regular morning sketches while working hard on a large art commission.
Get ready for the first challenge starting in January
Next year I aim to challenge her for ‘Swotdom’ and we’re both looking forward to taking part in our first challenge of 2018. I’m going to take part in ‘Art Journal January’ and Sandra is going to be sharing lots of tips on how to make things a little more interesting! We’d love it if you’d join us and share your creations. Yikes, I’ve never done art journaling so that’s going to be interesting! But, I’ve been reading up and watching some good videos. However, nothing helps you learn more than actually doing, so we’ll share what we pick up on the way. We’d love it if you did the same too!
Loads more to look forward to for 2018
If Art Journal January doesn’t float your boat (or even if it does), we’ve got loads more coming up in the following months. The number of challenges will grow over time, so there will be plenty to choose from! Have a browse or sign up for our monthly Newsletter and we’ll keep you up-to-date with all the latest challenges and arty news. We’ve also got a new Facebook Group if you fancy some creative chat. This will be a great place to chat to other creatives taking part and also to share your achievements!
We’re looking forward to seeing what you create!
Speak again soon
Tara and Sandra