As Artists, we are often asked questions/statements that can really ruffle our feathers. And when Jackie Poulouktsi who is in our Facebook Group messaged us to vent a couple of questions that frustrate her, we thought of a lot of other ones we could add to the list.

Ep 55 Worst Questions You can ask an Artist

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We start with the two statements that really frustrate Jackie:

  • You’re so talented – when they think it just comes effortlessly without hours of practice.
  • I could never do that, ‘I’m just not artistic – which is sad. I am sure if some of the people who said this took the time they would be surprised what they could achieve over a few months.

So some of the other frustrating things that people say to artists and creatives are

  • ‘But it’s just a little hobby, isn’t it?’ – Sandra’s personal hate
  • And Tara’s designer pet peeve is when a client says “Well you’re the designer!” when they don’t know what they want and can’t be bothered to write a brief
  • Can you please do a ‘quick’ sketch of my house/kids?

But it doesn’t stop there. I am sure we will mention some of the things that people have said to you as artists that drive you insane. And if we didn’t, then drop a comment below and tell us about it. We didn’t ask you before because you know how much we waffle and the episode would have been 3 hours long!

If you enjoy the podcast you can support us by buying us a coffee. We want to make a coffee froth moustache. Thank you!

This week’s creative question

Have you ever been embarrassed to show your art? If so, why?

Have you ever been embarrassed to show your art? If so, why?

The best answers will be read out on a future podcast.

You can Tweet us your answers @KickCreatives or let us know in the Facebook Group, which by the way if you haven’t already joined, I highly recommend that you do! We will put the question up there and also on the facebook page… and of course, on our Instagram page @kickinthecreatives.

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If you have any suggestions for the podcast or our challenges please feel free to get in touch.

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