This mini-interview is with Shilpa Rajeev who has been taking part in some of the Kick in the Creatives Art Challenges. We are also delighted that Shilpa is also in our Facebook Group.
What challenges have you taken part in this year?
I started off with the February Faces and 5 Minute March challenges hosted by Kick in the creatives. Also, I took part in a fun challenge hosted by Melsy’s illustrations to create fun fashion illustrations using Insta-story tools, emojis and hands alone.
Where and when did your journey into art begin?
From the time I could remember I have been drawing. Like in childhood, it was, of course, the cliched house, hills, sun scenery etc but throughout the school years, I used to draw. I would like to say that art was passed on to me hereditarily.
Have you always drawn and painted?
Yes from childhood. I am self-taught too.
Why do you take part in creative challenges?
I basically started to take part in creative challenges to remove my creative block which came from time to time and I didn’t know how to tackle the problem. Also when I run out of ideas as to what to draw.
What did you find to be the most useful thing about them?
For me, art is my second nature and passion. it is a creative outlet to vent my pent-up frustrations or blocked creative energies. it is an ultimate stress buster.
Show and tell us about few pieces of art you have created during a challenge, how you created them and what you most like about them
For February Faces, I did a set of faces using the prompts that were given.
© Copyright Shilpa Rajeev
For 5 Minute March, I am doing a sketch of flowers in 5 minutes using gel pens.
©Copyright Shilpa Rajee
©Copyright Shilpa Rajee
©Copyright Shilpa Rajeev
Where can people find out more about you?
You can visit my blog at or on my Facebook page or Instagram