But Yee-hah! Here comes February and our Lastest Creative Challenges!!

Well, we are rolling swiftly towards the end of January already and I for one am quite sad to see the end of ‘Art Journal January’ approach. Of course, some of you might actually be delighted to see the back of it… I certainly know how hard it can be to commit to a daily task!

And this month I can’t even say I joined in myself because as you may already know, I was swanning around in the Caribbean sunshine… Cocktail in one hand, another in the other… And since Tara and I had put so much time into creating this whole thing for the last few months, I figured I ought to give my hubby the full focus he was due while we were away!

Carribean holiday Sandra

Still, as much as I couldn’t actually do the challenge myself, I took every opportunity I could to check in and see what you guys had been up to and I was utterly delighted to see your wonderful journal pages sprinkling my social media feeds! Some of them really made me chuckle… and in a good way of course!

I can honestly say that despite where I was, I actually felt like I was missing out!

Never mind, the challenge will go on again next January and hopefully, I can join in then.

And besides, as January comes to an end, of course, February begins and this brings some brand new challenges along with it and I’m NOT missing out on this one!!

So, we have the following two challenges of our own going on and it is taking me AGES to decide which to do… I certainly wouldn’t be able to do both!

Hmm… Decisions, decisions… I’m still tapping my fingers as we speak.

There is ‘February Faces’ an Art Challenge

February Faces Art Challenge

February Faces challenges you to draw (or create – sculpt, sew, collage…) a face every single day throughout the month of February. It’s a fantastic way of practicing faces and drawing 28 in a row is a great way to improve quickly!

For this challenge, we have created a list of helpful (optional) prompts and even lots of images to inspire you, just to make it as easy as possible for you to get involved without having to do too much thinking!

Sign up for our newsletter or join our Facebook Group to get the free pdf with optional reference and prompts

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Feb Faces reference and prompts


And you can make each of your faces as fun and as individual as you like, in whatever style or medium you like… So there’s no reason to get bored!

We also have the ‘February Fables’ Writing Challenge

February Fables Writing Challenge

This challenge is for those of you who love to write, like me!

We are challenging you to write a children’s storybook during the month of February.

Of course, we don’t expect the book to be written, edited and ready to publish!! The challenge is, to have the first complete draft of your story down, ready to edit.

For this challenge, we also have a pdf with inspiration and optional story prompts for you to download

Sign up for our newsletter or join our Facebook Group to get the free pdf with inspiration and prompts

Click for our Facebook Group | Click to subscribe to our newsletter

Feb Fables inspiration pdf

…I’m torn between the two!!

I’m thinking Faces… No, Fables…. No, Faces… No, Fables… No…. Gaaagh!

So, which challenge are YOU going to rise to?

Sandra x

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