June Art Challenges
Join us for a June Art Challenge. Beginner and experienced artists all welcome. We have 3 art challenges to choose from every month.
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Tonal June – Daily Painting Challenge
For this daily painting challenge, we are challenging you to paint using just one colour and white (or just one colour if using watercolour), every day throughout the month of June. By using just one colour and white, you will learn to make a variety of tonal values, without being distracted by colour.
Quick Kick June Cartoon Challenge
Join us for a cartoon challenge this month. For ‘Quick Kick June’ we are challenging you to create a daily cartoon drawing throughout the month. “Quick Kicks” are our monthly creative challenges that you can complete in 15 minutes or less per day.
Copyist June Art Challenge
For our Copyist June Art Challenge we are challenging you to replicate a sketch, drawing or painting by a master or from an art book, every day throughout the month.