Quick Kick March – Daily Photo Challenge
For our March daily photo challenge we are inviting you to photograph something from nature every day throughout the month.
Your daily photo could be trees and plants, waterfalls or rocks, birds that visit your garden or the wildlife around you. This photo challenge can help you learn to be more aware of the beauty that is all around us. Sometimes we forget to stop and take the time to notice it.
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Nature Photo Challenge Guidelines
- You should photograph and post one daily nature photo throughout March.
- It should not take more than 15 minutes to find and take your photograph for the challenge.
- Don’t forget to link and tag us in your post (details are shown below) We might even feature your nature photography on our blog!
As a reminder, please tag us on social media
- Twitter: @KickCreatives
- Facebook: @kickinthecreatives
- Instagram: @kickinthecreatives
- Pinterest: @kickinthecreatives
And you should also add the following hashtags
#kickinthecreatives and #QuickKickMarch
Share in our Facebook Group
You can also share your daily nature photographs on our Facebook Group. We would love to see you there!
Tips to make the challenge a little more manageable
- You could take your photo during your commute or your lunch hour.
- Keep your eyes open and a camera or phone on you all the time. You never know when inspiration might strike
Photo challenge ideas
- You could experiment with filters and effects after you have taken your daily photo
- You could try photographing at different angles or very close up
- Your photo doesn’t have to be digital, you could go old school and use a 35mm camera and film or an instant camera if you prefer
At the end of the month, why not make a little tour video of your daily photographs (up to three minutes long) and send it to us?
With your permission, we may even feature your creations on our site!
And if you know any other artists who might also enjoy this photo challenge, why not encourage them to have a go!
April Art Challenges
And don’t forget to check out the art challenges for April. Click here to find out what’s next!
Other March Challenges
March Mixed Media Challenge
We challenge you to create a daily piece of mixed media art throughout March. The object here is to get you experimenting and creating some interesting paintings that you may otherwise have been afraid to try.
5 Minute March Speed Drawing Challenge
We challenge you to make a daily 5 minute drawing throughout the month of March. This challenge is particularly suitable for those who have a tendency to overwork their sketches or those who have limited time.
April Challenges
And don’t forget to check out the challenges for April. Click here to find out what’s next!