Find Your Art Style Experiment Day 36/37 – Weekly Review
Sandra and I have a weekly review about how I am getting on with the Find Your Art Style Experiment. The Find your Art Style Experiment is a 60 day challenge that Tara has set herself to try and work out an art style that she likes creating in. She will be using...
Find Your Art Style Experiment Day 35 – Abstract Inktense Face
It's day 35 of the Find Your Art Style Experiment. I was talking to Sandra earlier and saying that when I did the Inktense faces I do a pencil outline first. Then I checked a video for the first face I did using them and realised I didn't on that one. So I decided to...
Find Your Art Style Experiment Day 34 – Drawing over Neocolors
It's day 34 of the Find Your Art Style Experiment. Today I've gone back to my Neocolor ii pastels to create an abstract face. I wanted to try creating something similar to the face I created on day 21 when I used Gouache but with Neocolor instead. Testing out Pencils...
Find Your Art Style Experiment Day 33 – Inktense Blocks Testing and Face
It's day 33 of the Find Your Art Style Experiment. Before I started my actual drawing today I decided I would test out the Inktense blocks a bit more. I wanted to see how well they would work over either an acrylic background or collage that had been coated with...
Find Your Art Style Experiment Day 32 – Abstract Face with Inktense Blocks
It's day 32 of the Find Your Art Style Experiment. Last Saturday I experimented with Inktense blocks for the first time and I loved them. I created a couple of abstract faces. What I loved about then is they let you be really expressive and get colour down quickly. I...
Find Your Art Style Experiment Day 31 – Surreal Art
It's day 31 of the Find Your Art Style Experiment. Today I am continuing on with the Sketchbook Skool Course exercise that I started on Day 28. The exercise is by an artist called Jonathan Twingley who suggests spending six days doodling random things without thinking...
Drawing Old Hands and Finding Beauty in the Imperfect
This week we get a little (a lot) cheesy. Sandra talks about finding beauty in the imperfect and drawing it. Imperfect things like knobbly hands or a craggy old face are much more interesting to draw than perfect youthful airbrushed images. Drawing Hands with a...
Find Your Art Style Experiment Day 29/30 – Weekly Review
Sandra and I have a weekly review about how I am getting on with the Find Your Art Style Experiment. The Find your Art Style Experiment is a 60 day challenge that Tara has set herself to try and work out an art style that she likes creating in. She will be using...
Find Your Art Style Experiment Day 28 – Sketchbook Skool Inspiration
It's day 28 of the Find Your Art Style Experiment. Today, to stop over analysing myself I decided to try an exercise from a Sketchbook Skool Course. The exercise is by an artist called Jonathan Twingley who suggests spending six days doodling random things without...
Find Your Art Style Experiment Day 27 – Watercolour Character
It's day 27 of the Find Your Art Style Experiment. Today I decided I would try redrawing and colouring up one of my sketchbook pages with watercolour. What I like about Sketchbook Pages Tracing Over with the Lightbox I scanned in the page and then traced over it on my...