Quick Kick February Daily Painting Challenge #QuickKickFebruary For ‘Quick Kick February’ our daily painting challenge, we are challenging you to draw or paint using non-art tools. That could be painting with a toothbrush, or mark making with bits of string or a twig....
Quick Kick January – Daily Photo Challenge #QuickKickJanuary For ‘Quick Kick January’ we have an abstract daily photo challenge. Take one abstract photo a day throughout the month. Have fun with this photo challenge. You could try taking photos very close to...
Aqua January Watercolor Challenge #AquaJanuary For our January watercolor challenge, we invite you to create a daily watercolor painting throughout the month. You can use just watercolor alone for the challenge, or you can use any other water-soluble media if you...
Quick Kick December Drawing Challenge #QuickKickDecember For this December drawing challenge, we are challenging you to create a daily festive drawing. By sketching on a daily basis, your drawing skills will steadily improve, along with your hand-eye coordination....
Kick Collage Art Challenge #KickCollage For our collage art challenge, we are challenging you to experiment with collage in your work every day throughout November. You can complete the entire piece of art using images you’ve cut or torn out or using elements you’ve...