Quick Kick November Drawing Challenge

Quick Kick November Drawing Challenge

Quick Kick November Drawing Challenge #QuickKickNovember Our Quick Kick November drawing challenge is to create a daily drawing with a brush and ink (or paint if you don’t have ink) WITHOUT using a pen or pencil first. By getting straight in there with a brush, you...
Quick Kick October Sketch Challenge

Quick Kick October Sketch Challenge

Quick Kick October – Sketch Challenge #QuickKickOctober For our ‘Quick Kick October’ sketch challenge, we are challenging you to pick just ONE subject and sketch it daily throughout the month. Maybe you will choose to sketch daily human faces… Or maybe you...
Quick Kick September Drawing Challenge

Quick Kick September Drawing Challenge

Quick Kick September Drawing Challenge #QuickKickSeptember For our ‘Quick Kick September’ drawing challenge we are challenging you to create a daily blind contour drawing/painting throughout the month. To create a blind contour drawing simply decide on your subject....
Quick Kick August Drawing Challenge

Quick Kick August Drawing Challenge

Quick Kick August Drawing Challenge #QuickKickAugust For our ‘Quick Kick August’ drawing challenge, we are challenging you to create a drawing or painting every day on toned or coloured paper. You could even paint a wash of colour on your page first and work over...
Quick Kick June Cartoon Challenge

Quick Kick June Cartoon Challenge

Quick Kick June Cartoon Challenge #QuickKickJune Join us for a cartoon challenge this month. For ‘Quick Kick June’ we are challenging you to create a daily cartoon drawing throughout the month. “Quick Kicks” are our monthly creative challenges that you can complete in...

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