Quick Kick July Drawing Challenge #QuickKickJuly For this July drawing challenge, we are challenging you to create a simple drawing ‘upside-down’, every day throughout the month of July. To clarify. We are NOT challenging you to draw whilst doing a handstand, but to...
Quick Kick May Drawing Challenge #QuickKickMay For this May drawing challenge, we invite you to create a simple daily drawing using your non-dominant hand, throughout the month. This drawing challenge stimulates the ‘creative’ hemisphere of our brains by using our...
Quick Kick April Continuous Line Drawing Challenge #QuickKickApril Join us for our ‘Quick Kick April’ drawing challenge. We are challenging you to create a continuous line drawing every day throughout the month of April. You can use any medium you like including...
Copyist June Art Challenge #CopyistJune For our Copyist June Art Challenge we are challenging you to replicate a sketch, drawing or painting by a master or from an art book, every day throughout the month. One of the best ways to learn how to draw well, is to copy...
31 Animals August Art Challenge #31AnimalsAugust For this August art challenge, ‘31 Animals August’, we are challenging you to create and share a piece of animal art, every day for 31 days throughout the month. Keep up to date with our podcasts and art challenges by...