Tonal June – Daily Painting Challenge #TonalJune For this daily painting challenge, we are challenging you to paint using just one colour and white (or just one colour if using watercolour), every day throughout the month of June. By using just one colour and...
Styluary – February Art Styles Challenge #Styluary For this art styles challenge, we are challenging you to be inspired by the style of a famous artist, every day throughout February. We don’t mean, to ‘copy’ a painting, but rather create a painting of your own,...
Inky April – Drawing Challenge #InkyApril For this drawing challenge, we are challenging you to sketch or draw, using only ink, every day throughout April. By going in directly with ink, you will learn to make decisive marks, embrace your mistakes and enjoy new...
Posevember – Figure Drawing Challenge #Posevember For this 30 day figure drawing challenge, we are challenging you to sketch a figure, every day throughout November. By drawing a body pose every day, you will quickly become familiar with figure drawing...
Abstract Art April Painting Challenge #AbstractArtApril This month we have our popular painting challenge, ‘Abstract Art April’. We are challenging you to create an abstract painting, every day throughout the month of April. If you have never painted anything abstract...