Felix Scheinberger Dare to Sketch and Urban Watercolor Sketching Book Reviews
Sandra and I talk about Felix Scheinberger’s books Dare to Sketch and Urban Watercolor Sketching. We both love the loose and quirky nature of his work. These art books are definitely eye candy!
Find Your Art Style Experiment Day 15/16 – Weekly Review
Sandra and I have a weekly review about how I am getting on with the Find Your Art Style Experiment. Plus a bit of usual silliness. Next Week Next week I will be going through what I have created so far and working out which bits I like and why. Then I will develop...
Find your Art Style Experiment Day 14 – Stylized Faces with Dip Pen
It's Day 14 of the Find Your Art Style Experiment. I had some positive comments about the faces I created yesterday, but something was bugging me about them. I decided that maybe it was because they were too neat and I wanted them a bit more grungy looking. So I...
Find your Art Style Experiment Day 13 – Stylized Faces
It's Day 13 of the Find Your Art Style Experiment and I am once again looking back in my sketchbook to this colourful image of a man that I like. I decided to see if I could create something similar using other reference images as a starting point. Instead of going...
Find your Art Style Experiment Day 12 – Dip Pen and Watercolour Faces
Today is day 12 of the Find your Art Style Experiment and today I am looking back into those sketchbook drawings that I dug out yesterday. I decided to try and take that same style and them, develop them and maybe add some colour. I found some reference faces to use...
Find your Art Style Experiment Day 11 – Face Shapes from Sketchbook
It's day 11 of the Find Your Art Style Experiment. Last night, I was flicking through a sketchbook as even though I enjoyed the mark-making yesterday I was feeling like I was losing the ability to draw. I found some character type doodles that I like. Sketchbook Pages...
Find Your Art Style Experiment Day 10 – Mark Making with Acrylic Paint
Today is Day 10 of the Find your Art Style Experiment. Today I experimented with mark making to see what sort of faces I create. Anyone that knows me will know I am not a big fan of paint because it's so messy, but today I decided I would use it. I got together a...
Find Your Art Style Experiment Day 9 – Mark Making with a Dip Pen
It's Day 9 of the Find Your Art Style Experiment. I didn't draw on video yesterday, but I did start a new sketchbook. I took Sandra's advice and looked at the artist Kandinsky and then had a bit of fun trying to create a face in his style. It's blowing a gale outside...
Urban Sketching with Watercolours in the Pub Cafe Doesn’t Go as Planned
Sandra gives a review of her new Aolvo glass dip pen for drawing. In her demonstration she is impressed by how much ink this beautiful glass dip pen with hold.
Find Your Art Style Experiment Day 8 – Weekly Review
Today is Day 8 of the Find Your Art Style Experiment (don't tell anyone but we actually filmed this yesterday - shhhh!). We chat about how my "Find Your Art Style Experiment" is going. I talk about the things I liked and didn't and Sandra offers hers ideas, including...